Howard Ishiyama, Ph.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs
(412) 536 -1282
[email protected]
The Climate Initiative at LaRoche
As a member of the Higher Education Climate Consortium, La Roche College is committed to aligning its campus practices with the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative. Our programs and policies are still developing and features are described below.
La Roche weaves green initiatives into multiple pedagogies on campus, from acquisition of material goods to academics.
Educational Initiatives & Outreach
introduced in 2009.
Participation in Sustainability Conferences:
- Greater Pittsburgh Community
- Global Problems, Global Solutions
- Rachel Carson Conference
- Campus
- Focus the Nation
- Earth Day Presentation
Emissions Inventory
The Loyalton Group (a Sodexo partner) to date monitors all utility usage and cost for the college. They have completed and turned over to the college a preliminary carbon footprint based on utility usage. They have also conducted an extensive energy audit and submitted the results and recommendations to the President and Vice Presidents of the college. Additionally, a brief assessment of the total carbon footprint of La Roche has been conducted using the Clean Air, Cool Planet Carbon Calculator.
Energy: Efficiency, Conservation, and Alternative
Energy conservation is a priority at La Roche. The college has begun a “last out, lights out” campaign to encourage people to turn off lights and computers. The college has also begun to install light sensors in certain areas.
Recycling and Waste Management
Students, staff and faculty are committed to recycling their waste at La Roche.
- “Tray-less” dining hall
- Receptacles for recycling in heavy traffic areas
- Composting of most kitchen waste
- A new energy efficient dishwashing machine has been installed
- PLA utensils (corn based plastic for easy biodegradability)
Buildings and Grounds
Cleaning chemicals are in the process of being converted to environmentally friendly chemicals. This has been placed on hold until the current inventory of cleaners is exhausted. There are new initiatives to reduce energy use, water use and pesticide use on La Roche’s grounds. Perrennials and native plants are prioritized in grounds keeping.
Use of carpooling and public transportation has been encouraged.
Bellin, J., Kreidler, N.B., and Tajuddin, A. (2009). “Mission-Driven Sustainability Studies for the Small College.”
Bellin, Joshua. NEH fellowship, “‘A Fierce Green Fire at 100’: Aldo Leopold and the Roots of Environmental Ethics.” Summer 2009 Prescott, Arizona. Hosted by the Institute for Humanities Research at Arizona State University.
A student group, “Green LRC” advocates to the administration on environmental issues that affect students. The students plan a variety of programs throughout the year to educate and encourage their peers regarding reducing, reusing, and recycling. Additionally, the Student Government Association has added a new post called Representative for Green Initiatives.