Carlow University

Tim Carney, Director of Facilities

[email protected]

The Climate Initiative at Carlow University 

As a member of the Higher Education Climate Consortium, Carlow Univsersity is committed to aligning its campus practices and teachings with the Pittsburgh Climate Initiative.


In 2012, Carlow installed one hydration station in
the dorm building and saved over 15,000 plastic bottles from being introduced into
landfills. In conjunction with this installation, Carlow distributed 500 re-usable
water bottles. Over the summer of 2013, seven additional hydration stations will be installed –
one in every building on campus. Carlow is also working with the bookstore on the
elimination of sales of bottled water.

Educational Initiatives & Outreach

For the past two years, Carlow’s primary focus has been on recycling. Carlow has had several educational initiatives including visits from representatives from our waste management company. Some members of our group have previewed “Awakening the Dreamer” – an educational program sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy. In the fall semester, we will make this program more widely available. Additionally, Carlow has hosted educational sessions for our housekeeping staff and administrative assistants. Carlow introduced a set of guidelines to our administrative assistants on how to assure that campus events are environmentally friendly.

Energy: Efficiency, Conservation, and Alternative

Energy conservation will be a focus for the coming year. The campus is gradually switching over to energy efficient light bulbs.

Recycling and Waste Management

In addition to the educational initiative cited
above, Carlow is a tray-less campus and is working with food services on the
provision of biodegradable service items.  In addition to paper, plastic, and metal, Carlow
recycles electronic waste, batteries, and cooking oil. Unworn T-shirts are donated to
a local charity which distributes them in developing countries.  Last year we established the Carlow Closet – a campus clothing exchange for students to reuse gently used clothing.

Buildings and Grounds

Carlow housekeeping staff uses environmentally friendly cleaning products and biodegradable trash bags. The campus celebrates Earth Day each year with the planting of a tree on campus. Thus far, we have planted 5 native trees. 


Our campus group is Benevolent Living On Earth (BLUE). It is an all-campus group composed of staff and students.